女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(22)


Next we went to the eatery and we were going to share a basket of fries. When they arrived, Miss Amber said "OK Shawna, if you really like me bossing you around here is the big test, you can say no and leave or follow my order". "OK" I said softly, but I was to far gone. "When you put my boots back on you smudged them. I think instead of eating with us you should lick them clean and maybe next time you will be more mindful of what you are doing" she said in a really dissapointed tone. I just sat there, looked around at all the people, back at her and then her friend. If it was just her and I, Id be under the table no questions, but this was a test. I got up looked her in those beautiful eyes and said "Im sorry I smudged your boots Amber" and crawled under the table onto the dirty floor and began licking her boots clean. People pointed and laughed, her friend said "oh god". Nothing else mattered anymore, only to please Miss Amber. "Done with that one?" she asked. "Yes" I replied. Then she recrossed her legs so I could clean her other boot. When I was done, her friend asked "what about mine?" Would you like to clean Kelly's shoes also Shawna, it would make me happy and her and I can continue our conversation. "Yes Amber" is all I could say and started to lick Kelly's shoes as well. Though pleasing Kelly meant nothing to me, pleasing Miss Amber meant everything so I did my best on Kelly's flats while they talked and laughed. nwxs10.cc

People were still pointing when we left, me carrying the bags while they walked ahead a bit. When we got to Miss Amber's car she said for me to wait untill she calls again but she has another gift besides the books she bought me. "Got my clean socks Shawna?" she asked. I pulled them out of my pocket. "Take my boots and socks off, put the clean socks and my boots back on and you can take my sweaty ones. And DO NOT smudge my boots again!" After i loaded the bags in the car i did as she said. "Smell them for me" she ordered. I did as she said and they both laughed, I on the other hand loved it, her sweaty socks right off her beautiful feet and right out of her boots. Remember wait for MY call, dont hang out with your other friends, stay close to home for MY call. BYE!!!!! and they drove off.

Part 3

I waited for her call, just as she laid it out for me. I saw none of my own friends, i studied the books she bought for me and i worshiped her socks pretending she was relaxing above me. My mom kept asking why i wasnt taking any of my friends calls or going out with them, i just told her i was studying, i just didnt tell her what! Miss Amber has me wrapped around her little finger and she knows it. nvwangtv.com

Three weeks went by and she finaly called! She reminded me of the family event she has to attend. "Do you think you are ready to give me a pedicure?" she asked. "I really think i am Amber, i.." and she cut me off. "Tomorrow, come over after school, if I am not home when you get here, my mother will let you in. Ask her if she has anything for you to do, if she does not, sit on the floor in the living room next to the couch and wait for me." were her instructions. "I will be there Amber" i said. "Good, see you tomorrow Shawna." and she hung up.
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