女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(37)


Kelly aquiesed and slid off the sofa to her knees, Carrie crawled over with the tv remote and Miss Amber took Kelly's sock out of Carrie's mouth and through it over to Kelly's shoes. Miss Amber then laid on her belly w/ her feet crossed at the ankles. "Carrie, lick my boots spotless, little Shawna take my socks off and show Kelly how to massage my feet properly" Miss Amber said taking complete control. It was an awkward position for Kelly and i to suck Miss Ambers toes and kiss the rest of her foot, the proper way to massage Her feet. Kelly followed and seemed to get into it as much as me. Carrie laid in the corner of her own house, licking another girls boots clean, soles and all.

"Kell, no hard feelings" Miss Amber said in a kind voice. "I, I like it Amb, ever since i saw Shawna doing it I wanted to try" Kelly said still kneading Miss Amber's foot. "I know, but Shawna belongs to ME and is my slave, you have Carrie and when I want, you all submit to me" Miss Amber said while flipping channels. "Deal" was all Kelly could get out. "Im going to sleep" Miss Amber let us know. Kelly and i spoke at the same time but i let her say what we were both thinking. "Can we keep massaging your feet" she asked looking down. "little shawna knows the answer" she said with her eyes closed. With that i took her big toe into my mouth while kneading her tired foot and looked into Kelly's eyes. She smiled and did the same as Carrie laid in the corner working on Miss Ambers boots. "Carrie, neck and shoulder massage" snapped Miss Amber. Carrie crawled over and began working on Miss Amber's neck and shoulders. All is right in the world... my Owner happy~! nwxs9.cc

Part 13

That night ended and i have to admitt, it was a lot of fun. i woke up first and kicked carrie softly in the cheek with my toes. "Lets make them breakfast" i suggested. We made a full breakfast for our owners. I guess it was the smell of coffee that brought carrie's parents down. "Carrie, you made us breakfast" her mother asked. "Sorry mom, this is for Miss Kell and Miss Amber" carrie replied. i was shocked at her answer but even more with what came next. "Mom, we serve them" carrie went even further. "You SERVE them" she snarled. Her father remained silent. "We lost a bet" i piped up. "Ohhhh" was her mothers sarcastic reply. i took that as an opportunity to wake up my Mistress.

i got to the bottom of the steps and felt i should drop to my knees and crawl to the couch she was sleeping on. Miss Kell was still sleeping on the floor. i got to the couch and lifted Miss ambers blanket to suck her big toe into my mouth, using my hands to knead her other foot. Miss Amber jerked a little then let out a sigh. "Always a good girl... My little shawna" she said with a yawn and then smiled down at me. "Miss Amber, carrie and i made you and Miss Kell breakfast" i said and went back to her toe. "Good girls, knowing your places, but i bet it was your idea" she said. "Yes Miss Amber" i replied. "Put my socks on and wake Kell" she ordered. "Wake her up like you woke me up" she giggled. i of course carried out her instructions. Miss Kelly was alittle more surprised though and kicked me! "Kelly!" Miss Amber yelled and they both laughed. "Our slaves made us breakfast" Miss Amber let Miss Kell know. "shawna, get my sneakers" Miss Kell ordered. i put them on for her and began to tie them untill she stopped me. "No, loosen up the laces" she ordered. Miss Amber came out of the bathroom and the both started for the stairs. i crawled behind them till we got to the stairs and i watched Miss Amber and Miss Kell walk up, Miss ambers socked feet and Miss Kell's heels popping out of her chucks with each step.
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