女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(28)


With that she headed for the shower and i headed home. my new life sealed...

Part 6

i spent the whole night doing Amber's laundry. All of her socks and underwear were done by hand as she instructed it should be. Of course i took ALOT of breaks w/ her socks! i love her sweaty feet soooo much. Tomorrow i will meet her at another volunteer event, planting trees for the community. The only problem is... my friend will be there as well and we havent talked in a while since i hane been "busy"!?

"Shawna, phone" my mom yelled. i ran up from the laundry room and answered. It was Carrie, my friend who will be voluntering w/ me tommorow. She wants to pick me up and take me! i agreed not thinking about the laundry basket i will have w/ me! Oh well, im proud Miss Amber chose me (or did i choose her lol). i went back to work and could not wait to see Miss Amber again!

Carrie picked me up the next morning, me w/ a laundry basket w/ folded clothes not belonging to me. "Hey Shawna, what the hell is that" she questioned. "Ummm, a friend needed help, you will meet her today" was my clumsy response. "OO.K,you know I have some laundry that needs done" she joked. If she only knew! "Where the hell have you been" she questioned yet again. "Busy, ive had alot of homework i guess" i answered. I want to tell her but i know she wouldnt understand and since it really wasnt a lie, i didnt feel bad. Now Carrie isnt that bad looking of a girl, shes one of my friends from school. Shes also a white girl and very preppy. i always felt wierd because of the race thing w/ Miss Amber but i never felt that way w/ anyone, only her. Looking at Carrie now i feel nothing for her, except i would love to see her submit to Miss Amber as well lol. Just then an idea popped into my head! A gift for my Miss Amber, now if i can only work out the details... "Shawna, lets plant some trees and get dirty" was her way of letting me know we had arrived. i have to admit, i was in lala land trying to come up with a plan.


"Cool, i have to find Mis, um, my friend Amber, see you in there" as i pretty much ran out of the car w/ Miss Amber's clean laundry, i couldnt wait to see her. i spotted her talking w/ some of her friends, only Kelly have i seen before. i walked over and knelt down at Miss Amber's side. That got some laughs! "Hey Amb, looks like your laundry girl is here" laughed Kelly. The others girls laughed as well, i just looked up at Miss Amber. She smiled then made a coughing noise, then i leaned in and kissed her sneakers, i could already smell her through the mesh part of her trainers. That got them laughing, i just outlined her toes w/ my kisses. i could tell she was pleased though, and that is all that matters. She laughed and told me to get up, then said good bye to her friends, "come on little shawna, lets put that stuff in my car" she ordered. i followed like an eager puppy.

"Miss Amber" i said meekly. "Yes shawna" she asked as i trailedher into the parking lot. "An old friend of mine is here today, she drove me. i was thinking" i stumbled over the words. "Carrie is her name, i would like to try and make her submit to you as a gift" i blurted out. She laughed as we got to her car and she popped the trunk. i put her laundry in and closed the lid, then got on my knees looking up at her. "shawna, i dont need another slave, i have you. But maybe Kelly could use one, she is my best friend and i thought about sharing you" she said. SHARING ME!!! i couldnt believe i just heard that! At the same time i loved it though then she interupted my thoughts... "Shawna, kiss my feet while im talking to to you, yea, if you could convince her to be Kelly's slave that would be a cool gift to me" she said as i kissed the tops of her shoes. "Kelly would get a kick out of that" she said hooking the toe of her sneaker under my chin to force me to look up at her. "Im so proud of you shawna, thinking of ways to amuse me, makes believe you really are into this" she said. " Get up , lets go and we will make this happen" she said pulling on my hair.
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