女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(30)


"Hey, right on time" was Miss Ambers way of saying hello. "Yep" was Carries response. i stayed silent but made sure Carrie walked up to the porch first, that way she would be in front of Kelly and as i sat down at Miss Amber's feet, Carrie might do the same in front of Kelly. Another strike, she leaned against the railing i noticed as i leaned in to kiss Miss Amber's trainers. "Now thats a greeting" laughed Kelly. Miss Amber then rested her feet on my shoulders. "So Carrie, you are little Shawnas friend huh" asked Miss Amber. "Yes, Shawna is my friend, why" snapped Carrie. Miss Amber then put her feet in my lap and said "Shawna, shoes". i undid her laces and pulled off both for her. "May i massage them Miss Amber" i asked that being the first time i ever said that out loud. "Please do, i really need one" she said while throwing her head back playfully. As i got to work on her sweaty socked feet (her feet get so sweaty lol) she turned to Carrie and asked "Has she ever given you a foot massage?" "Absolutely not" snapped Carrie. "I would nev" she tried to say but Miss Amber cut her off "I taught her really well, didnt I" she said tapping my forehead. "Yes Miss Amber" i weakly said as i looked up at her. "I could REALLY use a foot massage" Kelly finaly chimed in. "Carrie, why dont you try giving Kelly a foot massage" Miss Amber suggested. "No way" snapped Carrie. "Its ok, I will help you Carrie, i understand if its your first time" added Kelly. "Thats not the point. Its just that.." Carrie half replied. "What is it then" asked Miss Amber. i looked up at Miss Amber then Carrie and added "just try Carrie, please". "Pull my sneaks off and watch how Shawna does it" Kelly said in a really sweet tone holding out her left foot. All eyes were now on Carrie and as she looked back at each of us she finally said "ok, but this is fucking wierd". Like i said before, i have known Carrie for some time and she rarely curses.

i watched as Carrie slipped down and sat indian style at Kelly's feet, just like me in front of Miss Amber. Kelly put her feet in Carrie's lap and Carrie squirmed a little though her hands went right for Kelly's laces. Once the laces were undone, she looked up at Kelly almost for reassurence. Just then Miss Amber tapped my lips w/ her foot and when i looked up at her, she was smiling. After i kissed Miss Amber's foot, i looked back at Carrie to see her pulling off Kelly's second sneaker. Kelly put her hand out and said "let me see that one". She then held it about three inches from Carries nose, and Carrie moved in! "Tell me, it doesnt smell that bad does it" Kelly asked. As Carrie put her nose into Kelly's sneaker, Kelly used her hand to hold Carrie's head there. Carrie then pulled her head back and Kelly let go. Carrie's response, "no not bad". "Now massage this one first" Kelly said presenting her right foot to Carrie. "Shawna, help her" Miss Amber ordered.?

She actually seemed really interested lol! For half an hour or so, i instructed Carrie on how Miss Amber likes her feet massaged. Every so often she would look up at Kelly and ask "is that ok?" Kelly would give some advice here and there. Miss Amber then hooked her toes under my chin making me look up at her. "Go get Kelly and me some iced tea" was her order. When i returned, Carrie had started on Kelly's other foot. After i served Miss Amber and Kelly their drinks, Miss Amber said "lets go into the living room". Carrie started to get up but i grabbed her knee and said "let them go first, then we can get thier shoes and drinks."?
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